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by Guest

Good afternoon hope everyone is well, Ive added a heated bed and glass which needs to be clipped together. Occassionaly the head hits the clips, is there a start and stop code that can be added to lift above before and after

Guest - November 8th, 2015 at 6:19a.m.

Yes, adding a command to start, end, or other GCode which will raise the nozzle a few millimeters is relatively easy to do.

The command will most likely follow this format: G0 Z[number of millimeters]

You just need to figure out where in the code you want the command to occur and insert it in the appropriate place. You may need to insert more than one to navigate around or over the clips.

Remember that you can use the GCode Terminal (Settings & Controls -> Options -> Hardware Settings) to send commands directly to the printer. This way you can test your code before running the GCode as part of the print through Start or other GCode fields under the Custom GCode settings.

If you are not familiar with basic GCode commands, I recommend you review the RepRap article detailing the commands and their parameters:

ryan.lutz - November 9th, 2015 at 10:10a.m.