Ten 3D Printing YouTube Channels You'll Love
3D Printing gets a lot of love on YouTube, but which channels are the most useful, informative, and entertaining? Here’s a cheat-sheet to the stuff we know you’ll like, and insight from the creators on why you should watch.
Many of us got into 3D printing because we “saw something about it on YouTube and thought it was cool”. Since working at MatterHackers, one of the unexpected joys I've had has been the opportunity to work with and get to know this passionate community of makers. Those who have taken their 3D printing expertise to YouTube by creating their own channels.
They are a fiercely inclusive band of revolutionaries growing every day. A dedicated group making 3D printing accessible to anyone who might want to check it out, and using their diverse personalities and backgrounds to teach and inspire. They guest star on each other’s channels, and recommend each other to the press and to manufacturers for opportunities. They are really making a difference in the way 3D printing is perceived by the general public by providing honest assessments of the state of 3D printing - the good, the bad, and the awesome.
While by no means exhaustive, here is a list of channels I think you’ll find valuable, and a bit of insight from the creators in their own words. We also talked to them a bit about 'how to create a YouTube channel' and guidance they have for those who are interested in getting started.
*NOTE: Subscriber numbers are current as of article publish date. Please visit the channels for the most current status.*
1. XRobots - James Bruton
Launched Sep 23, 2006
377,725 subscribers • 94,723,248 views
James Bruton from the UK is at the top of the list for good reason. His videos are creative and informative, making Sci-Fi props and costumes using sculpting, molding, casting, wood, metal, electronics, and increasingly, 3D printing. Almost every 3D printing YouTube creator credits James’ useful videos as inspiration to create a YouTube channel of their own. He is a passionate Lulzbot ambassador, and a trustee of UK Southampton non-profit Makerspace, SoMakeIt.
James Bruton
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
My goal is to produce project-build series, mostly about working Sci-Fi props and other related spin-offs. It wasn't always about 3D printing, but having 3D printing helps a lot to get the content made in time. I show all of the design process as well as the assembly, electronics, and coding.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
I got my first 3D printer in 2013 (check out this vintage Lulzbot!) which was probably one of the best decisions I've made. I thought it was a natural progression from building things by hand.
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
The future of 3D printing is a hard one. I guess regardless of printer type/mechanisms, the printing material science is where most of the innovation will be.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
After working at an insurance company in IT for 10 years, my current day job is a toy designer for Bladez Toyz. I do a lot of 3D printing, electronics etc., although I can't talk about any projects. I exhibited with Bladez at the Star Wars Celebration in London, July 2016.
2. Punished Props - Bill and Britt Doran
Launched Dec 23, 2011
103,046 subscribers • 5,037,114 views
Bill and Britt from Seattle, Washington want to help YOU make things! Especially if those things are epic, high-end replica props and costumes from all the best movies, TV shows, video games, and more. In the last year, they committed to publishing three or more videos a week, and the hard work is really starting to pay off in major growth of their YouTube following. The second season of their wildly successful “Prop: 3D” series (most of the videos got at least 20k views and they’ve doubled their subscriber count since then) will be debuting summer of 2016, and we can’t wait to see what they make!
Bill Doran
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
Our goal is to lower the barrier to entry for newcomers to the prop and costume making hobby by showcasing the tools, materials, and techniques that we use to create our own projects. The Punished Props channel is different from other prop and cosplay focused YouTube channels, because we have a focus on creating in-depth tutorial content that anyone can follow, and we publish these tutorials on a consistent weekly schedule.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
I have a degree in 3D modeling and computer art, so the concept of 3D printing was always very intriguing to me. Once I got my paws on my first printer I was shocked by the ability for me to take a concept from my brain, form it in a digital space, and then make it real through the printer, in an astonishingly small amount of time. This type of rapid prototyping makes it incredibly fast for me to get exactly what I want out of a prop or costume piece without having to make any compromises.
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
I try to imagine being a high school aged kid today with access to modeling software and a 3D printer. The things that kids could learn now and apply to the next 10 years of innovation are limitless. The most inspiring thing is that we can't even imagine what the possibilities will be like in another decade.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
My wife and I run our company, Punished Props, as our full time jobs. We spend just about every day in our shop building elaborate replica props and costumes from our favorite video games, TV shows, and movies. We do a lot of traveling, especially to conventions where attendees like to dress up in said costumes for fun.
3. Thomas Sanladerer
Launched Jun 14, 2013
34,316 subscribers • 2,760,360 views
Representing Germany is Thomas Sanladerer, whose informative channel focuses solely on build guides, tutorials, tips and basics of the open-source RepRap-style 3D printers.
Thomas Sanladerer
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
My YouTube channel has always been about sharing high-quality, educational content. Whether it's guides to help viewers understand their 3D printers better, or reviews to allow them to make an educated buying decision in the first place.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
When I started 3D printing about six years ago, I was completely fascinated by the possibility of making cheap, reasonably precise, and complex parts for projects that you'd otherwise have to craft from wood, plastic or metal, or just wouldn't be able to create at all when it comes to more complex parts like gears or detailed cases.
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
Now that the big hype is practically over, we can focus on the applications where 3D printing really shines - and there are still so many possibilities left to explore by the community.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
3D printing in all its forms is my day job, whether it's creating content for my own channel or for others.
4. 3D Printing Nerd - Joel Telling
Launched Apr 3, 2015
34,178 subscribers • 1,654,436 views
Seattle, Washington’s charismatic Joel Telling has made a huge impact on the 3D printing YouTube community for having launched just over a year ago. He seems to be everywhere these days, and fans have lost count of how many manufacturers have sent Joel printers and filament to review. With a full-time day job and a family of five, Joel works on 3D printing in his workshop from 11pm till 3am, fueled by an incredibly effective combination of Red Bull, poop emojis, and unbridled passion for people and 3D printing.
Joel Telling
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
The goal I've had for my YouTube channel from the beginning is to entertain while I educate. I've been described as awkwardly hilarious, and I take that as a compliment. I'm told I have the ability to relate even the hardest to understand technical concepts down to a level anyone can understand. I think what sets my channel apart from others is my personality and the way in how I bring a video together.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
I'm a nerd. Have been all my life. I love gadgets and gizmos. 3D printing wasn't something that I was just magically interested in one day - it was the culmination of everything I knew and loved while growing up. Wait, I can reproduce, in real life, 3D models from the computer? SIGN ME UP.
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
I'm inspired by what the future holds for additive manufacturing. So many fields will benefit from additive manufacturing. Things will be able to be built that no other manufacturing method could make. People will have access to low-cost medical prosthetics. Additive manufacturing is one of the core technologies that will enable space travel and colonization. It's crazy and exciting and wonderful.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
My day job is in the software industry. I have a wonderful wife and three awesome kids.
5. Maker’s Muse - Angus Deveson
Launched Dec 29, 2013
27,734 subscribers • 2,129,853 views
Maker’s Muse is known and respected for its honest, unbiased, and fair reviews of 3D Printers, 3D scanners and software. Australian, Angus Deveson, has built his audience on candid unboxings and testings, as well as live chats, and his popular Sunday Stream series.
Angus Deveson
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
My goal is to empower creativity through rapid manufacturing processes - this could be anything from 3D printing to laser cutting, CNC machines and more. I want to help people make informed decisions so they can make cool things! There's a lot of misinformation around 3D printing and I aim to change that.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
I've always liked making things and taking things apart, so when 3D printing came along, my first thought was an awesome new way to easily produce prototypes and help with my projects. As soon as I could afford my first 3D printer I took the plunge and have been hooked ever since.
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
I'm excited to see machines become more reliable and accessible. Although they have come a very long way, there is still a steep learning curve for newcomers and even myself when approaching new 3D printers. I'm looking forward to the day when you can hit print and know that 99% of the time it'll work perfectly no matter what design you send to it - so you can focus on creating!
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
3D printing has become my day job and it's awesome! I'm trained as an industrial designer so 3D printing was always used as a prototyping tool. I saw there was a market for printing on demand, so I worked for several years as a 3D printing technician before taking the plunge to focus on YouTube full-time. I work for myself, and can finally make it to all the cool engineering stores that aren't open on weekends. Maker's Muse just passed 25,000 subscribers recently, a huge milestone and I'm hugely thankful to everyone who has helped support me and the channel!
6. Chuck Hellebuyck’s Electronics Products
Launched Mar 7, 2010
10,308 subscribers • 628,960 views
Michigan-based CHEP is a sure and steady presence on YouTube showcasing practical household uses for 3D printing, like universal wire holders and replacement wheels for your barbecue grill. Filament Fridays are a reliable source of practical design and printing tutorials, combined with Tech Tip Tuesdays, CNC Sundays, and live conversations with other makers.
Chuck Hellebuyck
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
My goal is to be the PBS style, New Yankee Workshop channel for 3D printing and some electronics. I show how you can use them in your everyday life with practical prints and projects. To me a 3D printer is a tool not a toy, just like a table saw or drill press, but even more since it's like having an assistant in your shop that helps you build that next idea or creation.That's what I try to inspire on my channel. That anybody can do it. I show all the steps, from idea to design to 3D print. Create it in Tinkercad and print it in MatterHackers plastic and then use it in life.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
When I saw the first stereolithography machines (now called 3D printers) at my job about 30 years ago, I was instantly interested, but they were $100k+ machines. That never left me. It took a long time but we finally have home printers, and I wanted one mainly for my work with electronics. I've been designing electronic products for over 40 years and one area that is always a problem is packaging the final design. There are lots of "off the shelf" boxes but they all need modification. A 3D printer gives me the ability to design the packaging the way I want it, without modification. It gives me the opportunity to create a complete electronic product, from concept to final complete design.
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
That anybody, from kid to adult, can now dream, design, and create a product or gadget without having to get professionals involved. It also brings together generations where everybody can contribute. Now anybody can create just about anything they imagine and share with the world. It's amazing to see how far home 3D printing has come in a short time and how far it can go.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
I'm an electrical/electronic engineer by trade and have designed many electronic products, but I'm also a part time author and have written 12 books and hundreds of articles focused on helping people get started with electronics and now 3D printing. Deep down I just enjoy making things and have been doing it my whole life. It's amazing to me to have over 10,000 people subscribe so they don't miss what I'll do next on my channel.
7. Make Anything - Devin Montes
9,806 subscribers • 3,051,942 views
Joined Apr 16, 2014
A design student out of Pasadena, California, Devin Montes’ Make Anything 3D Printing YouTube Channel recently shot from 100 to over 9000 subscribers thanks to another social media giant for 3D printing - Reddit. Devin designed and 3D printed Kokichi Sugihara’s Ambiguous Cylinder Illusion (also known as the “squircle”) and his how-to video went viral overnight. New viewers came to his channel to see the squircle, and stuck around to view his high-quality 3D printing content, which shows Devin identifying a problem (like the floppy phone mount in his car,) sketching a design, modeling it in Solidworks, printing a prototype, testing, iterating, and finally using his new part.
Devin Montes
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
I hope my channel inspires people to think outside of the box when it comes to 3D printing. I want to show the world how fun and amazing this technology is, and how it can be used to create useful, functional things. I think my channel stands out because I give a pretty in-depth look at my process, so others can learn from all my successes, and my mistakes!
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
I didn't begin 3D printing until my first year at design school, but I've always loved inventing things, and that's the real reason I'm so interested in 3D printing. Being able to think of some kind of product that doesn't exist and then making it a physical, working thing within a day is just so, so amazing! I don't think I'll ever get over it.
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
3D printing is already enabling people to solve problems so much quicker, and to do things that have never been done before. People are already printing prosthetics, organs, rocket engines, hamburgers, and houses... it's just a game-changer! So I guess you could say I'm inspired by how many lives it will improve.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
I'm currently studying Product Design at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. My two favorite things in life are to create and explore, by any means necessary. You can get a good idea of what my hobbies are by the projects I make on my channel, and I'm so excited to share my passion with more people!
8. RichRap - Richard Horne
Launched May 20, 2011
6,456 subscribers • 1,109,894 views
RichRap, out of the UK, has been a highly respected and influential source of information about open-source 3D printers since the early days of the Rep-Rap movement. He provides informative reviews, tutorials, build tips, and project ideas (some developed with his own daughters) that involve design, electronics, and a bit of healthy perseverance. He blogs his adventures in DIY printing regularly, and is deeply involved in both Rep-Rap and OpenSLA development.
Richard Horne
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
The general goal for my YouTube channel and also my blog is to help make 3D printing a little easier to understand, and further the development and exploration of desktop 3D printing. I like to encourage people to experiment with their machines and also share what they do with the wider 3D printing community. I enjoy making and innovating, so sharing both successes and failures is intended to highlight that we are still in the early days of this technology. Much more can be done to improve and make 3D printing useful for more people in the future.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
The spark for me was the RepRap project, (self-Replicating Rapid Prototyper) started by Dr Adrian Bowyer at the University of Bath. The goal was to make a self replicating machine, and the most convenient way to do that was a 3D printer, so the RepRap project grew slowly, and then when more people got involved, it continued to grow very quickly. Cooperation, open-development, and innovation of technology ticked all the boxes for me as an interesting project to get involved with. It's naturally Open-Source because for one thing, you can't really control something that can self-replicate!
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
Whenever I see kids getting involved with almost any aspect of making, craft, and learning I am happy. 3D printing is a fantastic technology to help take something that is digital and make it physical. 3D printing is a very powerful tool for both education and real-world manufacturing. It gives us a hint of what may come in the future and that's very inspiring and exciting.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
In the mid 80's I was fascinated with the early machines by 3D systems, and during the late 90's I worked on electronics projects that used 3D printing as a method of rapid prototyping enclosures and plastics before needing to tool-up for injection molding. I am and have been an electronics engineer for the last 25 years, so the use of 3D printing often goes hand-in hand with product development. I really enjoy the educational side of 3D printing, and having young kids that are also interested in technology. It's really great when we can use 3D printing to solve a problem or make an interesting project together.
9. A Pyro Design - Travis Womack
Launched Sep 1, 2006
3,915 subscribers • 591,299 views
California based, A Pyro Design, delivers as advertised - he brings other YouTube creators’ "Logos to Life" using CAD modeling, 3D printing, and a whole lot of paint! Travis shares his time-lapsed design process, printing, and painting with informative and addictive captions that give helpful how-to details, and fun insights into his relationships (sometimes personal - always fanboy) with the particular YouTube creator he is immortalizing. He’s found a unique and creative niche for his talents, and shares it with other YouTubers in 3D Printing, food, and more.
Travis Womack
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
The main goal of my channel is to bring things from the digital world to life in a way that nobody has done before. My childhood was filled with video games and imaginary characters which led me to YouTube and video game related channels. Youtube creators have been a huge inspiration in my career. My channel’s differentiating factor is that I am working almost exclusively with other YouTube creators, taking their logos and using the skills I have to bring them to life, all while introducing people to the world of 3d printing.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
I stumbled into 3D printing in 2008 when the college I was attending purchased a Dimension UPrint 3D printer. I was previously really into 3D modeling and animation. The Art Director knew that I would be the perfect person to get the new 3D printer up and running. I did not object. Since my very first print eight years ago, I have continued to use 3D printing to push my artistic vision and could not imagine my world without 3D printing today.
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
I am inspired by the fact that as 3D printing evolves and gets more user friendly, more and more people with be able to bring their artistic and practical visions to life. I feel as if 3D printing is going to change everything about creating as we know it. We are at the very beginning of what this technology can bring to our world. I have never been more excited about a technology than I am about 3D printing.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
I currently work at a small shop that recreates vintage metal signs. We do a lot of custom laser cut signs and I have begun including some of that type of work into my "Logos to Life" videos. I am happily married going on 16 years now. We have a five year old daughter who is also getting into 3D printing and even has her own YouTube channel.
10. Daniel Noree
Launched Dec 22, 2011
1,737 subscribers • 398,812 views
This award-winning Swedish 3D designer and 3D printing evangelist is the father of the popular #3DBenchy model, and the author of The OpenR/C Project as well as The OpenRailway Project. The channel showcases tutorial information on how to print with exotic materials, as well as videos of the R/C cars, whose 3D printed parts include tires, rims, diffs, gears, inner driveshafts, and many, many more. A thriving Google + community also grew out of this, and has become a great source for further development. All .stl files are available on Thingiverse.
Daniel Noree
What's the goal of your YouTube channel, and how does it set yours apart from the others?
YouTube is a way for me to showcase my designs and projects such as the OpenR/C project. It´s also a great place for me to pass on some of the things I have learned during the years of developing these all these projects. I'm not a video guy, and so you won't see any unboxings, reviews or any of that stuff. But I have done a lot of experimenting with 3D printing over the last 5 years, and if you want to know what I've learned from that, you better subscribe.
What sparked your interest in 3D printing?
When I saw a Stratasys for the first time back in 2000 I was blown away and I wanted a 3D printer so bad, but out of my reach of course. When I later saw a MakerBot Thing-O-Matic in 2011 I bought it on the spot and the rest is history!
What inspires you about the future of 3D printing?
As far as the technical stuff goes, I'm really looking forward to seeing a few steps being taken on the software side. I also hope to see more projects like e-Nable come to life.
What is your day job, and/or some personal detail about your life outside of 3D printing?
I work at CreativeTools, a reseller of 3D related hardware and software. Outside of work I spend my time with my wife and kids. On my own spare time I work on various 3D printing projects such as the OpenR/C project
Here are a few other channels you might want to check out as well:
Barnacules Nerdgasm - 744,074 Subscribers (unavailable for interview)
Print That Thing - 12,039 Subscribers (unavailable for interview)
FNTSMN - 5.996 Subscribers
CJ Printing - 446 Subscribers
Andrew’s Worksop - 360 Subscibers
Print 3D Channel - 171 Subscribers
JAT.MN - 114 Subscribers
And a shameless plug if you’re looking for cool 3D printing tutorials and projects…
Happy Printing!
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